Thursday, 19 May 2016

Blooms Activities

This is my bloom's activities from this week we read the story "Past or Present" 


  1. Keithleen, I like the way you have explained the question and then worked it out. I think you could have included detail on how the bullies can change and fix their problems. I think on slide number 7 you could have included more punctuation e.g full stops, so that it becomes easier to read. But I liked the way you highlighted the title to show it was the main subject.

    CJ Jaimie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Keithleen, your post is very interesting and detailed. I liked the way that you put examples of what could happen.How did you come up with the idea because your ideas are well written? I think you could use more punctuation to make it even better. Siobhan


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